Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mac Keystrokes

That's right, this is a Mac article. Sorry, Windows users, you'll have to wait until next week.

There are a number of useful keystrokes that you might have already heard about, but maybe a few you haven't, or maybe you know them but just don't use them that much. This is a cry for help. I am a keystroke. My name is command-tab. Please use me. I'll make your life so much better. I promise.

Go ahead, try command-tab. Hold the command key (aka the Open Apple key) and hit tab once. A list of icons pops up. These are your currently running applications. Keep holding command and then hit tab repeatedly until you get to the application you want to switch to. Then release. Ahh.

Other useful keystrokes include:
command-spacebar : search (Spotlight)
command-z : undo
command-x : cut
command-c : copy
command-v : paste
command-s : save
command-p : print
command-q : quit


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